General Discussion

General DiscussionDark Willow

Dark Willow in General Discussion

    So clearly your own opinions please.

    1) Do you expect buff/nerf her?
    2) How strong is she in your eyes,which role suit her best?
    3) 5 active spells hero,how high in skill cap would you rate her?
    4)Do you see her a lot in your bracket?
    5)first 3 items?
    6)Do you like her?Especially as a new hero in game.
    Thanks in advance


      1. nerf
      2. 5
      3. 420 blazing
      4. i don't even play in my own bracket
      5. courier wards tangoes
      6. would not bang

      Pale Mannie

        mid or you are pussу
        kaya yasha sange
        would bang

        Bruse Ueine

          1. I think she's ok. She's like Lina or Sky. U can scape running to some creeps.
          2. She's strong in x1 and makes some mischiefs at teamfights
          3. ok, maybe some nerfs here or there would be welcome.
          4. yes, I'm spawning her at 4k bracket
          5. of course man. she's awesome


            Shes not as op as ppl think, glass cannon, so tweaked a bit
            Any, I like 4,3,then 5
            Just need anlittle positioning skills
            Not as much as before
            Whatever helps you get a kill, ms, mana or sometimes oov if you’re gonna be harassing a lot
            Shes cool, not as cool as dangolier tho


              mid willow best willow


                1. that "release your pet"-spell needs to be nerfed
                2. super strong controler, cant be targeted, ez dps from lvl 6+, doesnt need any items, pos 5 is the way to go and combo up with liek vokers and enigmas and svens and sfs etc
                3. once you got the combo he isnt that hard (like all pos 5 only about positioning and timing)
                4. not every game, but like every 3 games
                5. magic wand, arcanes, aether lens (besides wards/detection/courier/regen/smokes)
                6. i dislike that she has this super spooky music that you cant turn of when you pick her -.- else she is fine


                  1) nerf hammer
                  2) She is fucking insane
                  She can be playing pos 4 and solo kill ur safelaner when 3 levels behind
                  3) she isn't that easy but it's not incredibly hard. U can just mash buttons and still win
                  4) not too much but I do see it picked
                  5) veil Kaya blink if mid, support u can go whatever
                  6) I'd bang anything at this point

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  Tu tayta

                    1) Both
                    2) Pretty gucci. Pos 5 seems to be the strongest.
                    3) Definitely not hard.
                    4) No
                    5) Outside wards and regen? Whatever your team needs, you are survivable enough without items for a pos5.
                    6) I like the hero. Would not bang though, looks like a precocious child.


                      1) Nerf
                      2) Pos 2/4/5. She's a glass cannon mid (weaker than SF), but a dangerous Pos. 4/5 against mobility/melee cores.
                      3) Easy to use, hard to master, but can have high game impact even with minimal practice. That's why she's OP.
                      4) No because she's easy to kill. Nyxnyxnyx~
                      5) Mid goes blink/euls+AS items late. Pos. 5 is just wards, arcane, maybe one of euls/force/glimmer/aether late. Never seen a Pos. 4 DW so I can't say, though I would get bilnk/veil/kaya/dagon.
                      6) I like easy to play heroes (because I'm old), so I prefer her and Underlord to MK or Pango.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        She is way too strong for a 5 especially in 4k (56% winrate I think)
                        I believe terrorize will be tweaked prob shorter durarion/radius on lower lvls and increased cd and /or mana cost. Also ms will probably be nerfed. Maybe dmg/range on w.
                        Like she counters way too many iniciators. Magnus got 4 man rp? Too bad your sven and followup is running home for 4 seconds and 60s later this little devil is ready for the next round.
                        I get counterpicking but cmon 60s cd AND set of amazing cc spells. This hero is just way too good and lategame you have another core with ~ offlaner lvl of farm.
                        Skillcap - easy to play but takes practice to take full advantage and take over the game.
                        She is okay but personally I find her pretty boring if played multiple games in a row, but that might be because I can't stand playing same hero more than 3-4 games in a row.

                        ♏mikeeCS ツ

                          1) Do you expect buff/nerf her? \
                          - nerf
                          2) How strong is she in your eyes,which role suit her best?
                          - 2 or 5
                          3) 5 active spells hero,how high in skill cap would you rate her?
                          - not that hard
                          4)Do you see her a lot in your bracket?
                          - i play as her, with her, and against her quite a lot in around legend 5
                          5)first 3 items?
                          - (if condition is good) arcane, blink, eul
                          6)Do you like her?Especially as a new hero in game.
                          - love it,

                          I see her more like a puck, low hp, quite a lot utility, slippery, but more suited as puck-like-support hero.