General Discussion

General Discussionin game sending message

in game sending message in General Discussion

    after new updates, i cant use in game message like before, every time i want to send message to someone it brings the steam interface instead of opening a tab in game.

    is it just me?


      still works for me
      did you try /w "username" instead of right-clicking their name and pressing "send message"


        nope i always right click. last time i tried /w it didnt suggest every possible friends i have, specially the one i wanted to msg at that moment :D

        i actually tried to use that command and it does not exist any more :))

        Teaching dogs how to behave

          This guys actually have friends?


            Ncie ingrish bra


              holy shit, i just randomly joined a guild and it opened a steam tab for chat, not in-game tab.


                Maybe its for guilds only now since nobody was using it for pm anyway?

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Hmmm, this started happening to me also Kowa
                  It bugs out my Steam chat


                    the tp effect is empty too today, i cant see which enemy hero is tping in. GG!


                      Same lol how to fix?